Workout of the day
Friday, May 17th 2024
WARM UP – Bike
5 strict burpees (push up + squat)
20/15 Cal Bike
5 strict burpees
:30 big turnback stretch / side
:30 wall hinge
3 wall walks, focus on as few steps as possible
*grab light plates
10 T’s w/ ligth plates
10 External Rotations
10 reverse snow angels
10 Ys
:15 one arm plank / side
10 Lateral Raises w/ shrug
PRIMER – barbell
10 front to back rack transitions
5 front to back strict press
E2M x 5
4 Strict Press + :03 descent every rep
15 GHDSU or 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups
*try and go heavier than last weeks set of 5
4 Sets
20/15 Cal Bike
5 Wall Walks (Rx+100′ HSW)
20 DB Snatch @ (50/35) Rx+70/50
Max Rep HSPU
2min rest b/t
NOTES Athletes should have :30 minimum on HSPU, decrease reps if needed.
MODIFY HSPU – riser, HSPUs eccentrics or DB push press