Workout of the day
Friday, May 19th 2023
60 cal bike w/ partner, switch whenever (if solo, 30 cals)
50′ walk on toes
50′ walk on heels
50′ walk on inside of feet
15 PVC passthroughs
5 PVC around the worlds / direction
:30 shoulder external rotation w/ PVC / side
10 prone external rotation lift offs / side
5 reverse snow angles SLOW
10 ring rows
:15 single arm iso hold at bottom of ring row / side
:10 single arm iso hold at top of ring row / side
:10 single leg raise hold / side
:10 hanging hollow hold, focus on pushing pull up bar away from you
4 TTB or T2A
PRIMER – empty barbell
5 push press w/ :03 pause in dip
5 push jerk w/ :03 pause in catch
5 split jerks w/ :03 pause at eye level
E2M x 5
1 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
1 Jerk @ 65-80%
based off 1 RM split jerk
2 Thruster @ 155/105
4 Burpee PU
:90 rest
4 Thruster @ 115/75
4 Burpee PU
STIMULUS Thrusters must be unbroken across. Slow your transitions down to ensure you can maintain your output. Scaling Burpee PU – Burpee to 6″
14min CAP