Workout of the day
Friday, September 15th 2023
WARM UP – rower
25/20 cal row
20 air squats
15 push ups
*grab barbell
:30 overhead tricep/lat stretch / side
8 kang squats
:30 deep passive back squat
8 front squats
:30 spiderman stretch / side
8 push press
:30 90/90 stretch / side
8 thrusters
:30 wide stance forward fold
8 push jerks
:30 quadruped hip CARs / side
8 squat cleans w/ :02 pause in bottom
PRIMER – barbell (95/65)
9/7 cal row
5 clean and jerks
E2M x 6
1 Squat Clean
4/4/4/3/3/3 Front Squats @ 73-88% of 1RM clean
(15min CAP)
5 Power Snatches@ 135/95 (Rx+155/105)
15/12 cal row
right into – after 3x
15 Power Clean and Jerks @ 135/95 (Rx+155/105)
50/40 Cal Row