Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, September 22nd 2023



100m run

10 Squat to Press

5 burpees

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – *grab barbell

:30 Pigeon

6 kang squats

:30 deep passive back squat

6 back squats

:30 spiderman stretch / side

6 power cleans

:30 90/90 stretch / side

6 thrusters

:30 wide stance forward fold

6 Jump Squats

:30 fire hydrants

PRIMER – pull up bar

:30 dead hang

:15 rest

10 scap pull ups right into

10 kip swings


E2M x 3

3 Back Squat @ 78 – 87%

E2M x 3

1 Back Squat @87 – 94%


AMRAP – 12

6 Power Clean 95/65

6 Bar Facing Burpees

6 Front Squat

6 Pull ups

NOTES Barbell needs to be light weight that a few rounds are done unbroken. Pull ups need to be unbroken.

SCALING 6 Pull ups – banded if needed

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