Workout of the day
Monday, April 8th 2024
WARM UP – rower
24/18 cal row
*first half on damper 3, second half on damper 10
*mini band around ankles
*grab rig
:30 lateral leg raises
:30 slow donkey kicks:
*band around knees
:30 slow fire hydrants
:30 glute bridge hold
*band around wrists
5 Seated arm flexions
5 External Rotations
10 Pushups
:20 Ring Support
PRIMER – barbell
5 Slow Clean Pulls
10 back squats
5 Tall Cleans
8 back squats
5 Jump Squats
E3M x 5
8 Back Squat @ 75%
NOTES – Volume Week. Looking for all 5 sets to be in working range, you should not be building much. This should be very hard. Conditioning piece is less intense to encourage full effort here.
For Time
EMOM x 12 *alt
-12/9 cal row
-3 Front Squats (Heavy)
-6-8 Strict dips or 3-5 Ring Muscle Ups
NOTES FS is from floor. You can build here. Score is heaviest set of 3.
MODIFY Strict dips – banded