Workout of the day
Monday, July 1st 2024
WARM UP – bench
12/9 Cal Row
6/6 bodyweight bulgarian split squats
6 Pushups
:20 dead hang from rings or bar
:10 hanging partner t-spine opener on bar
:30 lat/tricep stretch on rig / side
6/6 SL RDLs
*grab BB
8 high pull iso + turnover
6 tall power cleans
4 power cleans catching as low as possible
PRIMER (before Metcon) – barbell
5 power cleans @ 30%
5 power cleans @ 40%
E3M x 4 (12min)
8/8 DB Bulgarian split SQ
16 supinated banded pull aparts
*increase in weight across Bulgarian sets
2 Sets
AMRAP – 8 Minutes
50/40 Cal Row
AMRAP with remaining time
5 Power Cleans @ 165/115 (Rx+205/145)
15 Push-ups (Rx+5 Ring MU)
2min rest b/t sets
*score is total rounds and reps of cleans and pushups
NOTES Power Cleans should be no more than 70% of the athletes 1RM.