Workout of the day
Monday, July 8th 2024
WARM UP – machine, 2 DBs
1:30 machine of choice
100m DB farmer carry
:30 DB overhead carry
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – pull up bar, light band
:20-:30 dead hang w/ lower body twists
*grab light band
10 band pull aparts + 20 pulses at end range
10 banded shoulder press
10 Banded OHS 10 Banded Goodmornings
:15 ring support hold or max plank shoulder taps
:30 plank
:20 star side plank / side
PRIMER – before metcon
7/5 cal row
5-10 goblet squats
2-4 Dips
@ workout pace
5 Sets (19min)
18/13 cal row
15 goblet SQ @ 70/50
Max Rep Strict Ring Dips (Rx+ Ring Muscle Ups)
2min rest b/t
NOTES All athletes must perform a 100m walk during rest period.
Huge rest period. Goblet SQ goal is Unbroken. Cut cals or weight to allow for :30 on the dips if needed.
MODIFY Ring Dips – bar dips, banded strict dips or pushups
Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
10 TnG Deadlift @ 50 – 75%
*tap the floor and really control the way down