Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, June 12th 2023

WARM UP – Rope

:30 Jumping Bar Taps

:30 rest

:30 Single Unders

:30 rest

:30 double unders

:30 rest

:30 double unders

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – moderate band, light band

*moderate band

:30 banded OH tricep stretch / side

:30 banded good morning iso

12/12 side steps w/ pull up band

12 banded prone behind the neck lat pull downs

12/12 split squat single arm band rows (knee 1″ off ground)

6/6 pallof press w/ shoulder flexion, SLOW

*grab barbell

:30 front rack elbow punches

6/6 front rack lunges


5 Snatch Grip RDLs

5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts

3 Muscle Snatch

3 Hang Power Snatches w/ :02 Pause in Catch


Every :20 x 21 = 7 Min

1 Power Snatch @ 60-70%

@ 7-10:00

hit 3 Power Snatch Singles

*#10-#20 heavier than above


For Time


Front Squat @ 185/125

*30 Double unders after each set

15min CAP

NOTES Both movements should be unbroken across.

Take a few extra moments every transition.

Mod – 30 Heavy rope or 45 regular single unders

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