Workout of the day
Monday, May 15th 2023
WARM UP – Bike, jump rope
EMOM x 4 (Alternating)
-:45 bike (Start easy, build intensity)
-:45 jump rope (Single unders round 1. Double under round 2)
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – In 25′ increments,
-walking lunges w/ trunk twist
-reverse lunges w/ overhead reach
-Tin Soldiers
-lateral plank crawl SLOW x 2
-hamstring swoops
-Crab Walk
Wall Walk into :10 HS Hold
10 plank shoulder taps w/ feet on wall, body ~45 degrees
10 wall facing HS shoulder taps
*Try to do all these w/o coming off wall
40 flutter kicks + 10 v-ups
10 Barbell Deadlifts
10 Barbell Front Squats
3 Sets
15 Deadlifts (225/155) (Rx+20 Reps)
80 Double Unders
Max Wall Walks (Rx+HSW 10′ = 1 Rep)
:60 rest
15/12 Cal echo bike (Rx+20/16)
18 GHD sit ups (Rx+25 reps)
Max Rep DB/KB Goblet Squat (70/50)
:60 rest
STIMULUS DL should not have more than 1 break, light-moderate load. Athletes should have at least :45 on squats on round 1, if not decrease cals to 12/9.
Scaling GHD – V-ups – SL V-Ups
Scaling Double Unders – 80 Crossovers – 1:00 DU Practice – 100 SU
Scoring Count each 10′ section of HS walk as 1 rep.
Score is WW + Goblet Squats
23min Total Time
Reverse TABATA
8x :10 L-sit
:20 rest
Modify to knee raise hold or 1 leg out at a time