Workout of the day
Wednesday, May 1st 2024
WARM UP – row
6/4 cal bike
6/4 cal bike at mod pace
6/4 cal bike sprint
10 Barbell high pulls
10 Barbell strict press
5/5 single leg barbell good morning
5 Muscle Cleans
:30 cat/cows
:30 wrist stretch
:30 thread the needle
8 seated shoulder flexions
PRIMER – barbell
4 Front Squats
4 high hang muscle cleans + front squat to just above parallel
4 hang power cleans, receive just above parallel
4 power cleans, receive just above parallel
For Time (18min CAP)
Wall Ball
400m Run
Wall Ball
400m Run
NOTES Plan some breaks on bigger sets of gymnastics and WB in an effort to keep the run fast and breaks short.
MODIFY TTB – 18-12-6 OR knee raises PU – 18-12-6 banded strict
E :90 x 8 – alternating
-5 TnG Power Cleans @ start moderate and build to a heavy 5
-20-40′ HS walk or 10 HS shoulder taps
NOTES The barbell complex will be TnG focus and will slightly change week to week.