Workout of the day
Monday, May 6th 2024
10-15 pushups
50 Single Unders
10-15 Ring Rows
20 Dubs or :25 of practice (sinlge, single, double)
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – wall, #2.5-#5 plates, rings
:30 big turnback stretch / side
:30 lat tricep stretch on wall/rig / side
10 Lateral Raises w/ 2.5 – 5s
10 Ys w/ 2.5 -5s
10 Cuban Press
:30 childs pose, hands elevated on DBs
:30 frog stretch
6/6 suitcase RDLs
10/10 single arm bent over rows, as much rotation out of t-spine as possible
50’/50′ OH carry/walk
:30 sumo squat hold + :30 squat hold
5/5 single arm OH squats / side
50’/50′ OH carry/walk
8 kip swings w/ lat activation, pushing bar down, arms straight
For Time (18min CAP)
50 DB Snatch @ 50/35#
20 Strict Pull-Ups (Rx+ Bar Muscle ups)
+ right into
6 DB Snatch @ 50/35
30 Double Unders
NOTES Make sure you are bending knees and keeping chest upright on the Snatches
MODIFY – Banded Strict Pull-ups or 12 reps with Jumping Eccentrics
E :90 x 8 – alternating
-5 TnG Deadlifts @ 60% and building heavy (flip grip is ok)
-25′-50′ HS walk or 10 HS shoulder taps
NOTES The barbell complex will be TnG focus and will slightly change week to week.
(try and progress HS from last week, remember to shift weight on those shoulder taps, same hand same shoulder)
if heel facing Shoulder taps are now easy, start kicking up off of the wall and trying to walk)