Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, October 9th 2023

WARM UP – bike


15/12 cal bike (or 1 minute-ish)

5 burpees

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – wall, workout weight DB’s

4/4 3-way lunges (forward + lateral + reverse lunge = 1 rep)

8 wide stance inch worms + push up

8 prone T’s + 8 prone Y’s + 8 prone I’s

:30 figure 4 pigeon stretch on wall / side

8/8 SL Glute bridge on wall

*grab workout weight DB, use one for these

5 overhead tricep extensions

5/5 single DB push press

5 goblet squats, :03 eccentric

5 goblet sumo squats, :03 eccentric

5 DB sumo deadlifts, :03 eccentric

PRIMER -with empty bar and then first working weight

5 deadlifts w/ :03 pause at knee


E2M x 5

6 Deadstop Deadlifts

@ 60-70% of 1RM deadlift


4 Sets (15min)


10 DB Thrusters @ 50/35s (Rx+15 reps)

Max Rep V-Ups (Rx+ GHD sit ups)

:60 rest


50 Double Unders

Max Rep Burpee to 4″ Plate

:60 rest

*score is V-UPs + Burpees

NOTES DBs need to be unbroken across. DU should take no longer than :35.

Big rest periods, encourage athletes to move fast from the start.

SCALING 50 DU – 75 single under

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