Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, September 2nd 2024


60 lateral line hops

200m run

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – light band, barbell

*grab light band

10 band pull aparts

10 supinated

90 degree pull aparts

10 banded overhead squats

*band on rig

10/10 90 degree shoulder punch

:30 banded t-spine extension bottom squat

:20 dead hang

6 Kipping leg raises

*grab barbell

5 snatch deadlifts

5 snatch grip BTN strict press

5 snatch balances

5 overhead squats

5 Tall Snatches


Every :90 x 5

1 Power Snatch

1 Low hang Snatch (below knee)


right into

Every :90 x 3

1 Low Hang Snatch @ building to heavy for the day

*rest as needed b/t *build across sets, use the complex to find good positions and then push the weight a bit on singles

*the goal is to try and squat snatch if possible, stay power on all snatches if needed


3 Sets



6 Power Snatch @ 135/95 (Rx+165/115)

8 lateral burpee over bar

Max Rep Toe to bar

:60 rest b/t


8 TnG Power Snatch @ 95/65 (Rx+115/85)

6 lateral burpee over bar

Max Rep Shoulder to Overhead

:60 ret b/t

NOTES If you do not have :30+ on TTB/PushPress for the first few sets you need to decrease reps.

1. Quick singles on the barbell

2. Barbell should have no more than 1 break, working TnG here

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