CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Thursday, September 22, 2011

There will be no Oly/Strength Class today at 6:30pm.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  We will resume the extra class next week TTH. Tshirts should be in soon!  Finally I know.  I’m expecting them in by early next week.  We will make more announcements as we get more details.  Also, reminder that headbands are now available! […]

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

WOD Back Squat3-3-1-1-1 Then… 15min AMRAP3 Wall Walks9 Pull-ups15 Front Squats (95/65)

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Strength Training: Deadlifts65% x 5 reps, 75% x 5 reps, 85% x 5 or more reps Then… WOD10-1 Power Cleans (135/95)20-11 Push-ups Want to perfect your olympic lifting technique?  Need to work your split jerk or Squat Cleans but don’t seem to have the time during warm up and cool downs?  Sign up for the Olympic lifting […]

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Monday September 19, 2011

Great weekend with Fight Gone Bad and a heavy lifting Open Gym!  More fun ahead for this week!*Reminder, We’ll be re-testing Back Squats this week.  If you did not re-test your deadlift and/or Shoulder Press last week try and get them all done this week (does not have to be on the same day) Be […]

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Open Gym Sunday 12:30-2PM

See ya’ll then.  I’m doing CrossFit Total since I missed my max Press and Dead yesterday.  Ya’ll are welcome to join or do a make up wod.

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