CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Thursday August 25, 2011

Some Announcements:CO OpenThis weekend at Front Range CrossFit.  Chad D, Chad K, Jason Hilliard, Chris Scrabis, Shannon and Shara will be competing.  Come on out and watch this exciting CrossFit competition. We’ll be going to Amber’s for the post Open party Sunday afternoon.  More details tomorrow. MHCF T-shirtsWe are ready to order new T-shirts for […]

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Wednesday August 24, 2011

I Love you guys! Everyone did an amazing job today with Fran!  Tons of PRs, tons of first timers and even got a Pukie out of John.  Everyone pushed hard, Great day.  Update for the weekend….Amber has graciously offered to host the CO Open after party since she lives very close to Front Range CrossFit.  We […]

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Tuesday August 23, 2011 – BENCHMARK DAY!

It’s been a while so time for a Benchmark.  Today we’ll be doing Fran.  For those Fran virgins, get ready for a fun ride.  Go hard and go fast.  For those who have had the pleasure of meeting her and in some instances Pukie as well, come armed with your last PR and the attitude to […]

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Monday August 22, 2011

Don’t forget to sign up for Fight Gone Bad and also pick a time slot that you can perform the WOD at MHCF on 17 Sept.  Check out the FGB Registration page. Strength: Deadlifts 5 reps @ 65%, 75%, 85% (increase your max deadlift by 10#s) WOD1000m Row50 Wall Balls (20/14)30 KB Swings (70/53)

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Sunday open gym 12:30-2:30

See you guys there! Chris and I plan to do the new hero “Bradley”

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