CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Thursday June 23, 2011

Pics of Sweatband Day on the Pics and Video part of the website, here is a little sample 🙂  And definitely check out the video on facebook under Mile High CrossFit  WOD:4x 200m sprint, rest 30 second between efforts, record total time (seriously SPRINT, this is your cardio today, go max effort!) Then….Snatch 5-3-3-1-1-1, record […]

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Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

Reminder, wear your sweatbands and short shorts in celebration of Joedy and Dave’s nuptuals this weekend!!  Many pics to follow I’m sure 🙂 WOD 3 Rounds50 Double Unders25 2-fer-1 Wall Balls (20/14) Then… Strength Training: Shoulder Press5 x 40%5 x 50%5 x 60% If you do not know what a 2-fer-1 wall ball is, we […]

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I Hate you CrossFit!

Thought this was pretty funny and true.  I think we all have a little love/hate relationship with CrossFit 🙂 Courtesy of CrossFit Sioux Falls: CrossFit, I hate you.  I hate you for so many reasons.  I hate you so much I have even made a list.  So, listen up… 1.  CrossFit I hate you […]

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Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

WOD 4 Rounds4min AMRAP1 400m RunUse remainder of time after run to complete AMRAP of:4 Ring Dips6 Pullups8 Deadlifts (165/115)1min Rest

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Monday June 20, 2011

ANNOUNCEMENTS: A bunch of stuff for this coming week.  First Wednesday is Sweat Band Day!  Dave Kaplan and Joedy Hulings are getting married this weekend so in honor of their wedding we’re going to dress like Kaplan.  That means sweatbands and short-shorts, yes males too 🙂  They usually make the 5:30PM class but feel free […]

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