Tuesday, November 7th 2023
WARM UP – rower 2:00 row or Bike 50′ burpee broad jumps MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – DB *grab 1 DB 50′ OH carry 50′ suitcase carry 50′ bear crawl 10 OH tricep extension 10 supine DB pullovers :45 v-sit :30 downward to upward dog flow :45 pigeon / side :30 calf stretch / side :30 anterior tib […]
Monday, November 6th 2023
WARM UP 10/8 Cal Row 8 sprawls 10/8 Cal Row 8 strict burpees 10/8 Cal Row 8 burpees MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – light band, box, pull up bar *grab light band 8 band pull aparts 8 overhead band pull aparts 8 banded upright rows 8 banded shoulder press 2/2 shoulder CARs forward + backward 20 arm swings […]
Saturday, November 4th 2023
WARM UP 3 rounds 30 jumping jacks 10 air squats 10 push ups MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – heavy band, 2 DB’s *grab heavy band :20 supine banded hamstring stretch leg straight up + :20 leg across body + :20 leg fall open / side :30 side lying banded quad stretch / side :30 banded behind the back […]
Friday, November 3rd 2023
WARM UP – KB EMOM x 4 (alternate minutes) -15 KB swings + 10 air squats -5 burpees + 10 push ups MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – PVC, barbell *grab PVC 10 PVC passthroughs 5 around the worlds / direction 5 air squats w/ heels on PVC 5 air squats w/ toes on PVC 10 SLOW front rack […]
Thursday, November 2nd 2023
MOBILITY 1:00 Straddle Stretch :45/:45 Pigeon Stretch :30 Cat/Cows 10 Dead Bugs :30 Dead Hang 10/10 Leg Swings :30 Squat Hold SWEAT DAY!!! 0:00-9:00 1. :45 Cal Machine @ Moderate Pace 2. 15 Air Squats 3. 15 Hollow Hold Crunches (nice and controlled) 9:00-10:00 Rest 10:00-34:00 AMRAP 10 20 Overhead Plate Reverse Lunges (15 to […]