Thursday January 8, 2015
Skills: Take 10 minutes to complete Wall Balls 24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 unbroken reps for time at 30/20, rest as needed (or choose an appropriate weight) *3 wall walks for each round not unbroken WOD:5 Rounds10 Double Arm DB or KB Hang Power Cleans, choose weight4 40’ shuttle sprints10 Double Arm DB or KB Push Press4 40’ shuttle […]
Wednesday January 7, 2015
Strength: 5 Rounds not for time – 2 Split Jerk at approx 70% and 2 Muscle Ups (mod bar MUs or progressions) WOD “The Ghost”6 Rounds:1:00 Max Calorie Row1:00 Max Burpees1:00 Max Double-Unders1:00 RestRecord Totals for Each Round Cool Down:Tabata Hand Stand Holds
Tuesday January 6, 2015
Strength: 10-8-6-4-2 Overhead Squats, work up in weight as reps decrease For Time:4 Rounds15 Thrusters (95/65)15 Toes to Bar Cool Down:30 Hollowbody Rocks30 Superman Rocks
Tuesday January 6, 2015
Strength: 10-8-6-4-2 Overhead Squats, work up in weight as reps decrease For Time:4 Rounds15 Thrusters (95/65)15 Toes to Bar Cool Down:30 Hollowbody Rocks30 Superman Rocks
Monday January 5, 2015
First full week of WODs for 2015! Can’t believe it’s 2015, crazy. As you head into the gym this week, think about your goals for this coming year. What new movements and skills do you want to master, weights you want to move, etc. Also broaden out your resolutions to eating goals (thinking of trying […]