Tuesday, November 25th
Thanksgiving Day – we will hold a 10:30 AM class ONLY. Friday, November 28th we will NOT have early classes at 5:30 am or 6:30 am. Skill: Spend 10 Minutes practicing Rope Climbs and Double Unders WOD 20 Minute AMRAP5 Burpees1 Rope Climb30 Double Unders Cool Down:Tabata Squats
Monday, November 24th
Thanksgiving Day – we will hold a 10:30 AM class ONLY. Friday, November 28th we will NOT have early classes at 5:30 am or 6:30 am. Strength: Snatch Complex: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS establish max weight for complex in 10 minutes After reaching max. then choose a weight […]
Saturday November 22, 2014
In case y’all missed the partner WOD Saturdays, here’s a good one. Class at 10AM! “Partner Jack”, 1 athlete working at a time Teams of 2:AMRAP 20:10 Push Presses (115/80)10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)10 Box Jumps (24/20)
Friday November 21, 2014
Strength/Skill: Squat Snatch 3-5 Reps at 75%, 3-5 Reps at 80%, 3-5 Reps at 85% WOD AMRAP 8 of:3-6-9-12-15…as high as possible of:Power Snatch, 95/65Box Jump Overs, 24/20