Thursday, October 23rd
Strength: 10min OTM 3rep heavy Thruster (cycle all reps) WOD AMRAP 8 3-6-9-12… of:Power Snatch (115/75), competitors (135/95)Calorie RowContinue pattern, adding 3 reps each round, until time is called.Score is rounds completed, plus repetitions. Cool Down: Tabata: HS Holds for 2 minutes and Plank holds for 2 minutes
Wednesday, October 22nd
Strength: 10×2 Push Press OTM WOD 3 Rounds, 1 min work each exercise, 1 min rest between rounds Stone to Shoulder (115/70) Wall balls (20/14) Box Jumps (24/20) Cool Down: 500m Row
Tuesday, October 21st
Skill Work: Alternating OTM 10min –50 Double Unders (scale to ability)and 10 Russian KB Swings, heavy WOD 10-8-6-4-2 Clean and Jerk, 135/952 rounds of “Cindy” after every set**18 min cap, scale accordingly Cool Down: 2 Rounds – 20 sit ups, 20 flutter kicks
Monday, October 20th
Strength: 6×6 Front Squat 4 Rounds400m Run12 Burpees to 6” target12 HSPU (if you nee more than 2 abmat, mod to strict DB/KB Press) Cool Down:250m KB Farmer Carry