Workout of the day
Saturday, April 6th 2024
WARM UP – machine, barbell, jump rope
2min easy echo bike or row,
5 upright rows
5 behind the neck snatch grip push press
5 bicep curls
5 reverse bicep curls
1:00 barbell forward fold
:30 barbell trap smash / side
1:00 childs pose, hands on barbell
1:00 v-sit rolling barbell as far in front of you as possible
:30 quad smash on barbell
:30 reverse bridge chest/bicep stretch
PRIMER – barbell
8 muscle cleans + 8 push press + 8 muscle snatches
20 Double unders or 30 Singles
w/ a partner
For Time:
4 Rounds
30/24 Cal Bike
30 P. Snatch @ 95/65
30 Double Unders (each)
30/24 Cal Row
30 P. Clean and Jerk
30 Double Unders
NOTES – share all work however besides dubs
focus on barbell cycling here, want to be able to hold fairly big sets so choose a weight that will allow this.