Workout of the day
Saturday, August 5th 2022
Coaches Choice
Death By Power Clean + 300/225 Cal Bike
Partner 1
300/225 Cal Bike
Partner 2
(0-1 min)
-1 Power Clean (135/95) (Rx+165/110)
(1-2 min)
-2 Power Cleans
(2-3 min)
-3 Power Cleans etc….
Partners Switch back and forth each minute between the cleans and bike. Workout is over when the target calories are hit.
If you or your partner get to a point where you no longer can complete the cleans in a minute, restart at 4. However you must make it to the round of 12 for it to be Rx.
Once you finish your Cals right into
10 Rounds of I go/You go (5 Rounds each)
-30 Double Unders
-10 Deadlifts (same weight as cleans)
40 Minute Time Cap on full workout