Workout of the day
Saturday, December 9th 2023
WARM UP – w/ empty bar
1:00 Row or Bike
-10 Air Squats w/ pause
-:30 wrist Stretch
-10 Front Squats
-:30 Spiderman Flow
-10 Thrusters
-:30 Squat Rotations
:10 Ring Support Hold (keep rings tight and turn out)
5 Ring Rows (pause at top)
5 Ring Swings or Bar Kips
-9 thrusters @ light weight
-6 thrusters @ slightly heavier
Build to starting weight
Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets
-3 Thrusters
*start moderate and build across sets
*focus on squat cleaning the first rep, and a tight bar path overhead
EMOM x 20 Minutes
-8-10 Strict Ring Dips (Rx+3-6 Ring Muscle Ups)
-20 Wallballs (20/14) (Rx+30/20) (should be unbroken)
-1 Rope Climb (Rx+1 Legless Rope Climb and 1 Rope Climb)
-15/12 Cal Row (cap at :50)
*Skill work under fatigue, Row and WB will keep heart rate elevated going into the gymnastic skills.