Workout of the day
Saturday, February 11th 2023
Partner 1 – 25/20 Cal Machine
Partner 2 –
:40 Wallsit
:20 HS Hold
10 Tibialis Raises
10 Calf Raises
then switch
Coach Led Hip Circle Warm Up and Hip Mobility
Barbell Warm Up
W/ a Partner, 1 working at a time
50/40 Cal Machine
50 Double Unders (each)
50 Thrusters (96/65) (Rx+115/75)
50 HSPUs
50 Thrusters
50 Double Unders (each)
50/40 Cal Machine
Rest 2:00
25/20 Cal Machine
25 Double Unders (each)
25 Thrusters (96/65) (Rx+115/75)
25 HSPUs
25 Thrusters
25 Double Unders (each)
25/20 Cal Machine