Workout of the day
Saturday, February 17th 2024
WARM UP – DBs/Bike
Partner 1
200′ farmer carry
*Every 50′ perform:
-10 deadlifts (1st 50′)
-10 front squats (2nd 50′)
-10 S2OH (3rd 50′)
Partner 2
20/15 Cal Bike
*then switch
:30 pigeon/figure 4
15 Pogo jumps
:30 Armless Prayer on Box
6 Squat Jumps
:30 Calf Stretch on Box
4 Low Box Jumps
PRIMER – barbell
-10 Deadlifts
-5 Hang Muscle Cleans
-5 Strict Press
-5 Hang Cleans
-5 Push Jerks
10 Rounds (5 Rounds Each/ I Go-You Go )
20/15 Cal Bike Sprint
1 Round of DT “Unbroken” (95/65) (Rx+115/75)
-12 Deadlifts
-9 Hang Power Cleans
-6 Push Jerks
6 Tall Box Jumps (30″/24″) (Rx+40″/32″)
* I go/you style which means lots of rest, and hard efforts
*DT should be a relatively light bar you can do the full complex unbroken
*being explosive on the box Jumps today. Not a lot of volume. Look to use a taller box than normal and show off those bunnies!!