Workout of the day
Saturday, January 20th 2024
Every :30 x 8 Sets
– Squat Rotations
– PVC Pass Throughs
-:15/:15 External Rotations
:30 seated forward fold
:30 cat/cows
6/6 curtsy lunges
:20 hip airplanes / side
5 Pushups
5 Clapping or explosive pushups
*grab barbell
:20 elbow punches
5 Front Squats (keep full grip as much as possible)
5 Push Press
5 Thrusters
2 Rope Ground to Standing
2 Rope Climb first pulls (1 J hook, then come down)
I Go/You Go
12 Minute AMRAP:
8 Thrusters (135/95)
2 Rope Climbs
*thrusters should be close to the heaviest weight you can keep unbroken
*if rope climbs are slow or you have to rest a lot between reps cut it down to 1 rep
rest 3:00
12 Minute AMRAP
60 CrossOver Singles (each)
30 DB Bench Press (70/35s)
30 DB Squats (70/50s)
*both athletes will complete the Singles and then split the bench and squats however
*heavier DBs than normal. Should have to break bench up.
*2 Scores Amrap 1 and Amrap 2