Workout of the day
Saturday, June 15th 2024
WARM UP – rower
12/9 cal row/bike
200m row
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – pull up bar, mini band, DB
:20 dead hang
:20 chin up grip dead hang
:30 lat/tricep stretch on rig / side
5 Strict Leg Raises
8 big kip swings w/ lat activation
6 SL T2B
*mini band around knees
10/10 banded side steps
6/6 Half Moons
6 Squats w/ Abduction
*mini band around wrists
6 Seated Shoulder Flexions
*grab BB
4/4 single arm BTN snatch grip strict press
8 overhead squats
4 Hang Power Snatches
8 Front Squats
Every 3 Minutes x 4 Sets
-8 Front Squats
*start moderate and build based on feel
E3M x 8 – alternating
20/15 cal Bike
10 Power Snatch @ (95/65) 135/95
35 Double Unders (Rx+ 50 reps)
Max Rep T2B
2. 400m/350m Row @ recovery pace
1. This is meant to be a hard effort with an aggressive HR spike. TnG on Barbell. You should have :30 minimum for t2b, cut reps if needed.
2. Row slow and flush out the fatigue.