Workout of the day
Saturday, June 17th 2023
WARM UP – moderate KB
:45 shuttle runs
:45 shuttle runs, no turning around
:45 side shuffle shuttles
:45 suitcase carry / side
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – moderate KB, pull up bar
:30 KB v-sit
:30 kneeling wrist flexor stretch, fingers backwards
:30 half kneeling forward rocks w/ KB on knee (calf/ankle)
:30 half kneeling single arm arnold press
8/8 single KB single leg RDL’s
4/4 single KB OH squats, SLOW
8/8 single KB hang snatches
10 kip swings
10 Kipping leg raise
6 strict TTB or leg raise as high as possible
6 TTB or workout variation
AMRAP – 12 @ easy pace
1 Rope Climbs – read below
4/4 Pistol squats
50 reps of jump rope Practice (DU or Crossover)
Rope Climbs are meant to be done as hardest variation you can
1. Seated legless + controlled descent
2. Normal Legless RC
3. Normal RC + legless descent
4. Normal RC
5. 3 Attempts at J hook
6. 3 Rope get ups
Alternate round for round with partner
AMRAP – 18
8 Burpee over DB
8 DB Snatch @ 70/50
NOTES Lots of rest here. Encourage athletes to pick a heavy DB and perform burpees fast.
TTB and DB should be unbroken across.
SCALING TTB – toes to air or kipping leg raises