Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Saturday, June 29th 2024

WARM UP – jump rope


30 single under

10/8 Cal Bike

:20 Hollow Hold

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – pull up bar, pvc


:10 hanging partner t-spine opener

*grab PVC

10 PVC passthroughs

:30 PVC Lat Stretch

:20 PVC External Rotations

10 PVC V-ups

10 PVC Good Mornings w/ Rotations


2 x Wall Walk into :10 HS Hold

10 Deadbugs

10 Bird/Dogs

4 Burpees Over Parallete


Warm up Sandbag Clean


E2MOM x 32 Minutes Alt.

1. 60 Double Under + 4 Wallwalk (Rx+7 reps)

2. Echo Bike 24/18 (Rx+32/24)

3. 10 T2B + 5 Sandbag to Shoulder (chose Challenging weight) (Rx+16 T2B)

4. 14 Lateral Burpees over Parallete (Rx+20 Reps)

*cap all sets at :90 first 2 Rounds

*score is sandbag weight and level completed – Scaled/Rx/Rx+