Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Saturday, May 13th 2023


8 Shuttle Runs

-1:00 Banded Quad Stretch

-15 Banded Good Mornings

x2 Sets

w/ DB

4/4 DB Strict Press

6/6 DB Snatch

4 Burpees

x 2 Sets

Coach Led Barbell Warm Up


AMRAP x 25 Minutes

-50 S2OH (155/105) (Rx+185/125)

-15/12 Cal Machine* (each)

-50 DB Snatch (70/50)

-15/12 Cal Machine (each)

-50 Deadlifts (155/105) (Rx+185/125)

-15/12 Cal Machine (each)

*1 Partner Bikes 15/12 Cal, while the other Rows 15/12 Cals. Switch machines each time

*Split Barbell and DB work up

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