Workout of the day
Saturday, May(the)4th(be with you) 2024
2 sets of each station
Partner 1 – :45 Wall Sit
Partner 2 – :45 Easy Bike
5/5 Squat Rotations
10 Cat Cows
5/5 Spiderman Rotations
10 Pause Air Squats
5 Reverse Lunges w/ pause 1″ of ground
*grab barbell
10 Back Rack Elbow Punches
5 Pause Front Squats
5 Fast front squats (don’t quite hit extension)
then build to starting weight
Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets
3 Pause Front Squats
(:02 pause, get comfy :02 is a lot longer than it feels like)
*no perctenages, make sure you are holding the tempo
3 Rounds Each of I go/You Go
For Time:
10 DB Squat Cleans (50s/35s)
20/15 Cal Bike
100′ Walking Lunges (50s/35s) (25′ Increments)
*big leg day here, try to old onto big sets knowing a big rest is coming