Workout of the day
Saturday, September 16th 2023
“The Warm Up”
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – wall, DB, pull up bar
:40 Wall Sit
:30 wall v-sit
:30 supine wall squat w/ arms OH
:30 pigeon stretch on wall / side
4/4 3-way lunge (forward + lateral + reverse = 1)
*grab DB
6/6 single DB deadlift
6/6 DB snatch
6/6 DB swings
6/6 DB Strict Press
6/6 DB Thrusters
:30 Active hang
10 Kip Swings
6 Knees to Chest
3 T2B or T2A
w/ 1 Partner Working at a Time:
In Teams of 2
4 Rounds
:90 Max T2B
:90 Max DB Thrusters (50/35)
:90 Max Cals of Choice
:90 Max Devils Press
1:00 of Rest
*score is Total Reps