Workout of the day
Saturday, September 30th 2023
WARM UP – rower
200m Run
300m Row
200m Run
20 low pogo hops
10 high pogo hops
10 heel to toe rocks
:30 crossbody shoulder stretch / side
:30 overhead tricep stretch / side
:20 calf stretch / side
:30 spiderman stretch / side
:20 split squat iso hold / side w/ knee 1″ off ground
10 scorpions
10 ring rows
For Time:
800m Run
50 Walking lunges (Bodyweight)
1k Row/Ski
30 Push ups
20 Strict Pull ups
30 Push ups
1K Row/Ski
50 Walking Lunges
800m Run
Longer workout, meant to find a steady pace and sustain.
Scale – Pushups to a box and Pull-Ups to banded
(34min CAP)