Workout of the day
Thursday, April 4th 2024
WARM UP – barbell
8 shuttles runs
4 burpees
8 shuttle runs
4 burpees
4 side shuffle shuttles
10 Air Squats
:45 spider-man stretch / side
1:00 Couch Stretch
:30 90/90 stretch / side
10 90/90 hip switches / side
10 v-ups
5 Push-ups
3 Plank Walk Outs
Every 2 Minutes x 15 Sets
-Rotate Through-
-30 Air Squats (max Cal Machine in Remaining Time)
-20 Pushups (max Cal Machine in Remaining Time)
-30 Ab Mat Sit Ups or 20 GHDSU (max Cal Machine in Remaining Time)
*score is totally cals accumulated!!
*be careful on GHD volume if you haven’t been doing them a lot