Workout of the day
Thursday, December 29th 2022
2:00 Easy Machine (:05 Sprint every :30 seconds)
2 Sets
-5 Inch Worms
-10 Scorpions
-15 Empty Bar Sumo Deadlifts
1:00 on all 3 machines, take note of how many calories you can get in :50 so you have an idea how many you should be trying to do in the workout.
EMOM x 35 Minutes
-15/12 Cal Row
-20 American KB Swings *choose weight
-15 GHDSU or V-Ups
-15/12 Cal Bike
-15 SDLHP *choose weight
-15/12 Cal Ski
*all of the numbers are targets, Machines will likely take the most time to complete so look to push here the hardest. Allow for no more than :50 on machines, everything else should be capped around :45