Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday, January 11th 2024


300m row/ski/run



6 reverse lunges

6 push ups

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – wall, pull up bar, machine

:30 Straddle Stretch

1:00 wall figure 4/pigeon stretch / side

:30 wall hinge

:30 turnback stretch

:30 wall sit as deep as possible

8/8 single leg RDLs

:30 calf stretch / side

:20 active squat hold at parallel + :20 passive squat hold as deep as possible

12/9 cal machine sprint


EMOM x 35 (rotate thru)

-:45 Wall Sit

-“x” Cal Machine

-“x” Push-ups

-“x” GHDSU or V-Ups

-1:00 rest

“x” is how many reps you can get, however you only get credit for your lowest round so try and pick a number you can consistently hit

*score will be lowest cals + lowest pushups + lowest GHds/V-Ups

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