Workout of the day
Thursday, January 4th 2024
WARM UP – box, rings
500/450m Row
12 box step ups
8 push ups
8 ring rows
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – wall, pull up bar, machine
:30 wall v-sit
1:00 wall figure 4/pigeon stretch / side
1:00 wall hinge
:30 rig tricep/lat stretch / side
2x :20 dead hang (first w/ active shoulders, second w/ loose shoulders)
4 jumping eccentric pull ups
100 meter row sprint
AMRAP – 30
2k/1800m Row/Ski/Run
then amrap with remaining time
20 Step Ups
15 Push-Ups
10 Strict Pullups
20 Cal Bike/Run
*Score = rounds/reps on AMRAP
Strict PU and Pushups should not take more than :60 each for first set, decrease to 10 if needed.
FLOW Athletes will complete their row first. Once the row is completed they will be done rowing for the day. The remainder of the 30min AMRAP is spent on work below.