Workout of the day
Thursday, June 22nd 2023
3:00 easy machine of choice
:40 @ just faster than easy pace
:20 rest
:40 @ workout pace
:20 rest
:40 @ just faster than workout pace
200m Walk/drop heart rate
10 Minute Max Cal Machine (Echo Bike, Row, Ski)
*Main thing with these aerobic threshold tests is you have to save some gas for the last couple mins. You know you paced it right if you can end faster than you started. That being said you need to start at a somewhat aggressive pace as this is not a long test.
10-15:00 Rest
@ 15:00
5 Rounds @ Moderate Pace
20/16 Cal Machine (Different than your 10 Minute Test)
16 DB Box Step Ups (1 Light DB)
12 Burpees
*Cap @ 32:00