Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday, November 30th 2023


1:00 Easy Machine

:90 Couch Stretch (R)

1:00 Easy Machine

:90 Couch Stretch (L)


0:00 – 10:00

Every 2:00 x 10:00

10 Med Ball Squat

8 Med Ball Good Morning

6 Sprawls

4 Cat/Cows

10:00 – 12:00 Rest


Every 4 Minutes x 6 Sets

AMRAP x 3:30 (:30 rest)

-50 Double Unders or 60 Crossover Singles or 75 Singles

-10 Burpees

-Max Cal Machine in Remaining Time

*score is total Cals

36:00 – 38:00

38:00 – 45:00

“AMRAP” x 7 (flow through, not for score)

10 Push-Ups

10 Barbell Curls

10 V-Ups or SL V-Ups

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