Workout of the day
Thursday, October 12th 2023
3:00 Tabata machine of choice
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – band, wall, pull up bar
15 banded passthroughs
15 banded good mornings
:30 banded overhead tricep stretch / side
:30 banded supine hamstring stretch / side
:30 wall squat
:30 turn back stretch against wall / side
:30 calf stretch / side
15 wall leaning anterior tib raises
15 kip swings
:10 single arm dead hang
4 pronated/supinated hanging grip switches
PRIMER – pull up bar
150m row
15 air squats
10 push ups
5 pull ups
30 Minute AMRAP:
30/24 Cal Row
3 Rounds of
-5 Pull-Ups
-10 Pushups
-15 Air Squats
30/24 Cal Bike
3 Rounds of
-5 Pull-Ups
-10 Pushups
-15 Air Squats