Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, August 27th 2024


60 lateral line hops

:90 Bike (increase intensity every :30)


10 heel/toe rocks lean on rig

15 SLOW anterior tib raises

15 SLOW calf raises

:30/:30 Calf Stretch on rig

*find line on ground

:10 fwd back hops

:10 lateral hops

:10 Single leg hops fwd/bkwd

:10 sinlge leg lateral hops


2:00 to warm up double unders or practice them

8/5 Cal Bike Sprint


For Time:

200 Double Unders

40 Cal Bike

150 Double Unders

30 Cal Bike

100 Double Unders

20 Cal Bike

50 Double Unders

10 Cal Bike


double unders scale reps to 100/75/50/25 if you have dubs but struggle wiith high volume or

2:00/:90/1:00/:30 AMRAPif you are still learning them

If not practicing dubs perform bar taps

*20 Minute Cap


3 Sets

8/8 Heavy Single Arm DB Rows

10 DB Skull Crushers

rest 1:00

10 Barbell Curls

15 Banded Pushdowns

rest 1:00

*good ole push/pull super sets

*not always as exciting to perform compared to compound lifts but are important to building a healthy and strong foundation for the “fun stuff”

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