Workout of the day
Tuesday, December 12th 2023
WARM UP – pull up bar
50 bar taps
12 air squats
10 jump squats
8 burpees to 6″
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – rings, pull up bar, barbell
12 ring rows, progress in difficulty
:20 dead hang
5 eccentric jumping pull ups
5 hanging lat activation
*grab barbell
10 slow motion high pull + turnover
3 x :10 Pause Back Squat
10 front to Back Rack Thrusters
10x back squats
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Push Jerks
3 Clean and Jerks
EMOM x 5
2 Back Squats :01 pause in hole every rep @ 60-70%
In 5 Minutes
Build to heavy Back Squat with :01 pause in the hole.
For Time (14min CAP)
25 BF Burpees
20 Strict Pull-Ups (Rx+ 20 Bar MU)
25/20 cal echo bike
20 TnG Clean and Jerk @ 115/85 (sets no smaller than 5s)
25 BF Burpees
NOTES *Classic Crossfit Test