Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, February 13th 2024

WARM UP – machine, barbell

:45 machine easy

10 air squats

10 push ups

:45 machine moderate

:30 back rack elbow punches

10 Kip Swings

5 Kipping knees to chest

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – mini band, barbell

*grab moderated band

:30 supine hamstring stretch / side

:30 across the body stretch ./side

:30 banded quad stretch / side

:30 banded passthroughs

*grab barbell

10 front to back strict press

8 front to back push press

6 front to back thrusters

:30 Wrist Stretch

5 Front Squats (full grip as much as posible)

PRIMER – barbell

5 Thursters at workout weight

5 Bar Facing Burpees

OPEN Workout 14.5

For Time:


Thruster @ 95/65

Bar Facing Burpee

*18 Minute Time Cap


EMOM x 7

-“x” T2B

*pick a number you can hold onto consistently, just building volume here. Working the skill under a little fatigue

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