Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, February 27th 2024


:45 row, no straps

:45 row, all arms

1:00 row normal

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – wall, barbell

:30 wall sit

:15 single leg wall sit / side

8/8 sl glute bridge on wall

*grab barbell

3 x :10 Deadlift Rack Pin Pulls

20 bent over rows

10 Barbell DL

8 deadlifts @ light/moderate weight

Primer – before WOD

-6 Muscle Snatch

-4 Snatch Balances

-3 Power Snatches


Every :90 x 6

3 TnG Deadlifts

*build across sets, start around 70%

*tap and go, no bouncing


AMRAP x 15

30 Cal Row

20 T2B

10 Power Snatches (115/85)

*should be able to touch and go barbell in small sets,1-2 breaks per set

*classic crossfit piece, be aggressive on the barbell and t2b knowing you can recover on the row as you fatigue

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