Workout of the day
Tuesday, January 16th 2024
WARM UP – bike/barbell
15/12 cal bike
10 Snatch Grip DLs
10 Sprawls
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – moderate band
*grab moderate band
10 sumo stance good mornings
:30 banded supine hamstring stretch / direction / side
:30 seated banded ankle extensions / side
:30 half kneeling ankle dorsiflexion / side
1:00 cross-legged piriformis stretch / side
:30 banded overhead tricep stretch
:30 high plank body saws
:20 max plank shoulder taps
4 plank walkouts as far as possible
:20 bottom squat + :20 bottom squat w/ arms overhead
*grab barbell
5 Muscle Snatches
4 Hip Snatches
3 Power Snatches
4 Sets
16/12 cal bike
5 Wall Walks (Rx+8 wall walks)
Max Rep P. Snatch (95/65) (Rx+115/85)
2:00 rest b/t
*lots of rest… you have to Go!
*score is total snatches
E2M x 4
10 Bench press @ moderate load