Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, July 18th 2023

WARM UP – rower

1:30 easy row

1:00 moderate row

:30 rest

10/7 cal row sprint


100m KB suitcase carry @ moderate weight

20 KB RDLs

10/10 single arm bent over rows

:20/:20 Samson Lunge

10 reverse snow angels

:30 upward dog

5/5 KB goblet reverse lunges

:15 dead hang active shoulders

:15 dead hang relaxed shoulders

5 kip swings active shoulders

5 kipping knees to chest

8 alternating single leg TTB

PRIMER – barbell

8 good mornings

8 1 1/2 back squats

4 back squats, :04 descent + :01 pause in hole


E2M x 5

4 Back Squats :04 descent + :01 pause in hole

@ 60-70%


E3M x 5

15/12 cal row

15 Wall Balls (20/14) (Rx+30/20)

3 Wall Walks (Rx+ 50′ HSW)

*left overtime = rest

@ 15:00

For Time

40 TTB

Score = slowest round + TTB time

NOTES Each round has a 2:30 CAP, decrease wall walks if needed.

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