Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, July 30th 2024

WARM UP – bike


:45 Bike

:30 Wall Sit

:30 Kang Squat


50 ft BW Walking Lunge

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – *grab heavy band

15 banded knee extensions

10 spanish squats,

:10 hold on last rep

:30 rig assisted bottom squat


10 cossack squats

:15 Reverse Lunge hold (1″ of ground)

5 Squat Jumps

*grab Barbell

10 Good Mornings

5 Slow Motion Back Squats

3 Pause Back Squats


Every 3 Minutes x 4 Sets

3 Pause Back Squat @ 68-84%

*build to a heavy set of 3 keeping the pause

*Score on board is Heaviest Pause Back Squat Triple


Every 2 Minutes x 4 Sets

50′ DBL DB Walking Lunges

*build to as heavy of DBs as possible

@ 9:00

Every 2 Minutes x 3 Sets

10 Renegade Rows (Push-up/row/row)

*stay at one weight across


400m Farmer Carry @ Challenging weight, but should be able to do somewhat big sections