Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, July 9th 2024

WARM UP – med ball

10 med ball cleans

100m med ball run

10 med ball thrusters

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – Moderate band, rings/pull up bar

*grab moderate band

:30 supine banded hamstring stretch / side

1:00 half kneeling banded lat stretch on rig / side

1:00 banded handcuff stretch

10/10 leg swings side to side

10/10 leg swings forward to back

:30 dead hang from rings or bar

8 hanging leg/knee raises from rings or bar

:20 HS Hold

PRIMER – Wall ball, pull up bar

100m run

6-8 wall balls

6-8 TTB


EMOM x 15 – Alternating

-:45 machine of choice @ moderate sustainable effort

-1-2 Rope Climb

-2-4 HSPU

NOTES Rope Climbs and HSPU is meant to be hardest variation an athlete can perform.

HSPU options

HS hold

Pike Box HSPUs

kipping HSPU

strict HSPU

strict HSPU with deficit


rope get ups

1st pull Rope Climb

Rope Climb

Rope Climb + legless descent

Legless Rope Climb

Seated legless RC


For Time (20min)


400m Run

20 Wall Balls (Rx+ 25 Reps)

15 TTB (Rx+ 25 Reps)

*20min CAP

NOTES Athletes should plan some breaks on WB and TTB from the start. .


400m run – 500m Row

15 TTB – 10 reps – Toes to ring – straight leg raises