Workout of the day
Tuesday, June 27th 2023
WARM UP – bike
30/25 cal bike
300m Run
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – rings, pull up bar
50′ walk on toes
50′ walk on heels
50′ Crab Walk
50′ Bear Crawl
10 reverse snow angels
:15 single arm bottom of ring row iso hold / side
:15 single arm top of ring row iso hold / side
10 Scap Pullups
:30 Mixed Grip hang/ side
5 eccentric jumping pull ups as SLOW as possible
For Time – chipper
1 Mile Run
right into
break remainder of work however athletes would like
100 American KB swings @ 53/35
100 Push ups
50 Strict PU
right into
100/70 Cal Bike
32min CAP
STIMULUS Encourage an moderate running pace. Athletes can break the remaining work however they want. Athletes should be able to start with 5 strict PU broken into sets, modify to banded if needed.
SCALING 1mile run – 2k Row
strict PU – banded