Workout of the day
Tuesday, June 4th 2024
Every :15 x 3 Minutes
-5 Air Squats
-3 Burpees
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – light band, box
*band on rig
10 banded face pulls
1:00 Band Lat/Tri Stretching
5/5 slow single arm banded rows w/ t-spine rotation
:30 dead hang + trunk twists
5/5 hip airplane on rig
5/5 curtsy lunges
:30 pigeon stretch / side
:30 calf stretch / side
3 box jumps
3 burpee box jump overs
PRIMER (before Strength)
*grab BB
4 overhead squats
4 drop snatches
4 Hang Snatch Pulls
4 low hang power snatches
2 Sets (18min)
40 DB Snatch @ 50/35#
400m Run
20 Burpee Box Jump overs (Rx+30 reps)
Max Rep TTB
2min rest b/t
NOTES You should have :60 on first set of TTB, if not move on at the 7:00 mark to T2B
Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
3 Squat Snatches
*TnG, Start light and Build
*power if needed, but goal is to squat snatch these